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Stop Selling Your Assets: Avail The Sales Leaseback Option!
Is sales leaseback the right financing solution for your business? Let us help you decide.

Many business owners need additional capital to fund new projects or expand their business. However, traditional financing options may not be feasible due to stringent underwriting standards of high interest rates. Let us introduce you to a better option, the sales leaseback option – this is a financing solution that will help you access capital while still retaining the use of your equipment or real estate.

We do understand the importance of finding the right financing option for your business needs. That’s why we’re here to help you navigate the world of sales leaseback and find the best option available.

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What is Sales Leaseback?

Sales leaseback is a financing solution that allows business owners to sell their equipment or real estate assets to lender, who then leases the assets back to the business owners for a specified period. This arrangement enables business owners to access capital without having to sell their assets outright, and also allows them to retain the use of the assets they need to operate their business.

Now, what is Sales Leaseback on Equipment?

Equipment is a significant capital investment for most businesses. Sales leaseback on equipment enables business owners to free up capital without having to sell their equipment. The process is simple – the business owner sells their equipment to a lender, who then leases it back to them for a specified period. This arrangement enables the business owner to free up capital that can be used to expand the business or fund new project while still retaining the use of the equipment.

Here are the benefits of Sales Leaseback on Equipment:

  • Enables business owners to access capital without having to sell their equipment outright

  • Provides access to capital that can be used to fund new projects or expand the business

  • Allows business owners to retain the use of their equipment, which is essential for operating their business

  • Lease payments are typically tax-deductible, providing additional financial benefits

Gym Equipment

What about Sales Leaseback on Real Estate?

Real estate is often the most valuable asset a business owner possesses. Sales leaseback on real estate enables business owners to free up capital without having to sell their real estate assets. The process is similar to sales leaseback on equipment – the business owner sells their real estate to a lender, who then leases it back to them for a specified period.

And here are the benefits of Sales Leaseback on Real Estate:


  • Enables business owners to access capital without having to sell their real estate assets outright

  • Provides access to capital that can retain the use of their real estate assets, which is essential for operating their business

  • Lease payments are typically tax-deductible, providing additional financial benefits

Modern House

Why Choose ABM Capital?

As professional brokerage service, ABM capital can help you navigate the world of sales leaseback and find the best financing option for your business needs. Our experienced team of brokers can help you determine whether sales leaseback is the right financing solution for your business, find the best lender for your specific needs, negotiate favorable lease terms, and ensure a smooth transaction from start to


At ABM Capital, we are committed to helping business owners succeed. Contact us today to learn more
about how we can help you free up capital and take your business to the next level.

Our 3 Step Process:

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1. Apply

Fill out our Quick Apply application.

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2. We review your application

We review your goals and present you with programs matching your needs, getting an offer in 24 hours.

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3. Receive funding

Choose the program that fits you best and receive funding within 48 hours.

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